Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

rearing them appropriately, assisting them
with their own karmic issues, as well as, the
developmental issues which affect all
children, according to the laws of society of
the ways of God."
"Commitment thus expands into
society, in following its parameters and
helping your fellow man. Beyond this, and
the many other types of commitments we
must share in order to grow and evolve as
human beings, lies our greatest commitment,
that to God."
Commitment is a vital link in the
evolutionary spiral, it must occur within the
confines of love and wisdom to fully mature.
If a soul chooses to go through life making
no commitments, this is a weakness not a
strength. In order to make a true
commitment to God, you must first be able
to make the smaller commitments in your
Earthly life. Commitments become a vital
link in the mysteries of the redemption,
because they provide opportunity for true
self-sacrifice, duty, honor, loyalty, and
goodness. As our lives become less self-
serving and more geared towards serving
others, we move closer to the redemption,
something which cannot come about

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