Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

graces provided by God, the angel described
her current manifestation as that of a
'meaningless bimbo,' while next to her stood
the beautiful image of a woman looking
towards heaven emitting a great degree of
holiness. Exhibiting great disgust at what
she had become despite the great workings
of the Lord, the angel regarded her with

Fond of the darkness, these unusual
men who lay before me, about to become my
quest for the night, were Satanists.
Abhorrent and violent people, it only made
sense that I should be terrified of them, but
by a special gift from the Lord, I wasn't.
Beginning in a darkened sideway
behind some large trees and near two very
big rocks, two people with a knife
approached me and Andy, who had joined
me only for the beginning and end of this
quest. Asking us to participate in a ritual
with them, they promised not to hurt us if
we would do so. However, I inherently
knew that they would attempt to hurt us
either way. Despite couched terms used to
deceive us as to the motives of their ritual, I
was very much aware of the fact that these

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