took some time from which to recover.
Returning that same night, Andy was
no longer with me and it seemed that I was
being energized to seek out and find this cult
for the purpose of infiltration, dismantling
and disposal. What would eventually
happen, however, would be much greater
than this.
Bidding my soul to arrive in a large
older house, the Lord placed my buns in an
easy chair in the living room where I
proceeded to act as if I owned the place.
Several women were on the first floor, most
of whom were completely deceived as to the
true nature of their 'guru.' But there was a
select group of mostly males who were
apparently the 'right hand men' of the high
priest, who very much knew exactly what it
was they were doing. Most of them hung out
on the second floor of this house, plotting
and colluding in various evil and dark
schemes against their enemies.
Beginning to talk to the women, I
became aware that the high priest was
scheduled to arrive shortly and that my time
with these particularly deceived souls would
be short. Mincing no words, I told them
exactly who their leader really was, but they