Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

even allow him to interview for the position
at the State Capitol. Because the first partner
had been close friends with the Governor, it
was already assured him that if he were sent
up, he would receive the position.
Anger had swelled within him. He
claimed that two of the attorney's on the
nominating committee had conspired
against him. Although this was not true, he
felt it was true. My husband and another
good man were nominated to go up.
Because of the first and second
partners' friendship with the governor, they
didn't hesitate to betray my husband yet
again by spending hours on the phone with
the governor spreading falsehoods and lies.
So my husband went up and
interviewed. His interview went well, over
all, but he knew that the slander had been
passed. Although the decision had not yet
been made as to who would attain the
position, the spirit of the eternal had led me
here to the office of these two partners that
Other angels surrounded me as I
approached the first partner who appeared
pensive and thoughtful. On some interior
level, he understood that he had been the

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