when you take it from someone who is a
servant of God, who IS doing the will of God
in that position. He hadn't taken this from
us, alone, but from the community which
deserved a justice system with integrity.
I remembered for a moment the day I
saw the Blessed Virgin climb upon a cross
and begin to weep for Andy because of the
lies those two had perpetrated against him.
And my husband had been doing the work
in order to serve, while they wanted the
money and power.
The angels around me began to
speak through their own mouths of another
time and place. Surprised, this was
apparently not between my husband and the
two of them, but myself! I was shocked. It
was between myself and the first partner to
the greatest degree. As they began, they
spoke of another time when he had been a
dear, dear friend of mine, nothing romantic,
but a very close friend - and he had betrayed
me then. They said, "You have learned
nothing! We placed her right back in the
same place in your life, but this time we
made her terminally ill with three children
and a husband who was completely loyal to