able to work full time. I so wish I could, but
I'm not able. You KNEW this before you
tried to destroy my family, and you did it
anyway." Weeping and wailing went on as
he continued to hold onto me for dear life in
the hopes of some kind of redemption. My
forgiveness had already been offered on the
days that he betrayed us. He already had
that, but he was suffering on a subconscious
level because it appeared that he was
starting to realize he may not be able to
repair the damage he'd done. The sin would
remain upon him, and all the sufferings that
were to come to our family and the
community because of his selfishness were
about to come down upon him.
But he was very, very sincere. His
tears, for what seemed like the first time,
were not for himself. They were for me as
the angels continued to refresh his memory
of our deep friendship and the betrayal
which had followed in another life. He was
truly contrite... he was ripe for God's
picking. But it was not my fruit to pick.
The second partner was hysterically
running around the office telling me to
leave. "It's not appropriate that you're here!"
He kept saying. "You need to go now." But