Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

AND his mother," he said to my present
self's astonishment. Realizing that this
family supported slavery, and that I was
very much a part of it, I also discovered that
my former self was not offended by war at
The haze began clearing from the
intensity of the shooting star that took me
back into the present. Chief Joseph looked
calmly into my face. "You felt it?" He asked.
"Yes, oh yes, I sure did. It was so strange." I
replied. "You went back to the parts of you
that violated life; you saw and felt through
their eyes again, what did you feel?" His
question instilled shame within my soul.
"Nothing," I replied very softly, "Isn't that
horrible? In my mind, I didn't see it as
violating life. I saw it as perfectly okay. Isn't
that horrible?" Taking my hand, Joseph
looked deep into my eyes. "No," he said,
"that is very good. Now you are ready."
"For what?" I couldn't help but ask. "You
felt the separation and the duality, now you
will feel the oneness. If you could violate life
in those lives without having any conscious
awareness of it, is it not possible that there
are things you have not seen or fully
understood about life in your present, is it

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