Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

Chief Joseph put his arm around my
shoulder. "It is sad," he said. "What has
happened?" I asked. "Death to the ways of
life, death of the spirit." I nodded. "As life
dissipates from those who inhabit a planet,
the energy of life can no longer hold on." "Is
this our future?" "That all depends." "On
what?" "On you... on me... on every
being who walks the Earth." "What can we
do?" "Walk the pathway; walk with life, not
against it. Life will beget a new Earth." The
starship was moving towards Mars, and
Joseph took my hand. Joining us as we
began to fly to Mars, the starship captain
listened to the chief.
Floating on the pink energy of the
angels, we soared to Venus to gather the
white light of love. Returning to Earth, the
energetic disturbances were strong and
continual, but we took the energy and
distributed it amongst the entire auric field
of the Earth. Pulling the grid haphazardly
into some shape, it was still incomplete but it
would give the Earth more time. "You
know," Joseph said, "one person really does
make a difference. One person who cares
amongst an entire planet is all it takes."
"What do you mean?" I asked. "Caring is

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