Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

Dana has done nothing to be sure that she is comfortable and that she doesn’t have to
stress over having money for everyday living expenses at her age. She drives an older
model car and when she travels to visit children, grand children and great grand
children, she pays for her own tickets and flies coach. So much for having a grandson
who is a multimillionaire with his own jet. When Dana first began to make his
million’s he did send her a check for 5 thousand dollars and she cried when she
opened the envelope and saw it. That was eight years ago and since then he has never
done anything else for her. Dana can lose a million dollars gambling in a few hours
and just shrug it off, but he can’t help out his 93 year old grandmother.
This January Dana’s grandmother became ill and had a massive heart attack. Dana
called her, (thinking she had very little time left) and told her he was going to send
his private jet to pick her up and bring her to Vegas to stay at his house. He told her
she would have the best doctors available and around the clock nurses to take care of
her. She told all her neighbors and friends that her grandson was sending for her to
take care of her while she was sick. She would be living with him in Vegas until she
was better, and she wouldn’t have to worry about anything. Finally, I thought he was
stepping up to the plate to help her, better late than never. She apparently hung in
there too long, at least longer than what Dana thought. Dana never called her back
and never did anything to help her. I called him twice but he didn’t return my calls.
His uncle had lunch with him and asked if he was still going to help his grandmother,
he never responded to him. Dana’s grandmother died on, Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 1 am
without ever hearing another word from her grandson, never receiving a card or
flower from him, without him doing anything for her. You cannot begin to imagine
how crushing and heartbreaking this has been to me to have this have happened to
her in her last weeks on this earth. Imagine your grandson who you helped care for
and who is filthy rich, never doing anything to make your last years, last weeks, last
days on this earth comfortable.
This is not all about money, but the principle of the whole thing. It is about
character, about being a man and a good person. I thought I had raised Dana to be a
better person, to be thoughtful and kind to others. He certainly was when he was
younger, but I guess it’s true that money and power corrupt. I certainly never would

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