Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

has let the world know when he is unhappy. Not much has changed from those first
days in the hospital and especially now that he is rich and famous. If he could have
spoken when he was born, I’m sure the f-bomb would have been part of his little
tirades in his bouts of screaming all night in the hospital. When I was finally home, I
foolishly thought things would return to normal and everything would be fine. What a
rude awakening, (even to this day I sympathize with new parents) there was no
sleeping at night for a very long four months. Any parent can relate to that kind of
sleep deprivation — it is brutal. Every night he would scream and cry all night.
Rocking him and feeding him would not stop the screaming, and I thought I would go
mad from sleep deprivation. His father once stated, “I think he knows it’s time for us
to go to bed and he doesn’t want any brothers or sisters.” The doctor said he just had
his days and nights mixed up and it would eventually correct itself.
Rosemary’s Baby came out in 1968. The movie starred Mia Farrow as a young
woman who, by the end of the movie, has Satan’s child. Dana was born in 1969,
shortly after this movie came out. One afternoon, when the nurses brought Dana to
me for his feeding, thoughts of this movie came back me. I remembered how Mia
Farrow was so sick through her pregnancy in the movie, just like I was. This was the
first time Dana had opened his eyes while he was with me. When I looked into his
eyes, I was taken aback by how black his eyes were. I had never seen anyone with
eyes so black, especially a baby. That realization is etched in my mind as if I had
stared into those eyes for the first time only yesterday. My family ancestry is Irish,
and so we all have blue or green eyes. I could not tell where Dana’s pupils ended and
where the color of the iris should have started. The effect was chilling, and I had the
feeling of looking into soulless eyes. The experience was truly upsetting and worried
me as to who, or what, he would grow up to be.
Of course, being Irish Catholic, I do believe there is good and evil around us and
intertwined in our everyday lives. I believe some people are just born evil and, no
matter what their lives are like growing up, nothing will change that. The lack of any
warmth or dimension to Dana’s eyes was unsettling, but after a while, Dana’s eyes
lightened and softened, the deep blackness in his eyes changed to a soft warm brown.
His hair was so blonde it was almost white, and his temperament was that of one of

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