Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

I told him that the police had called his girlfriend to inform her that they had his
wallet. I told him, “Find your truck and get home, and do not go to the police station
for your wallet until I can find out what really happened.”
I spent the rest of the day making calls to see if there was anyone killed in a
fight. I finally was able to get hold of my brother who had no idea what Dana was
talking about. He told me they were thrown out of a bar after getting into a fight and
Dana had driven his truck into the marsh. He said he didn’t know why Dana’s truck
wound up in the marsh, but he said that was the extent of what happened the
previous night. Dana must have dreamed he got in the second fight and killed the
person. Thank God, it didn’t really happen.
Dana was in trouble again one night when he and Brenda had dinner at a sports
bar near their apartment in Weymouth. As they were leaving, some idiot thought it
would be amusing to grab Brenda’s ass on the way out the door. Dana chased him
down in the parking lot and confronted him. The guy admitted he did it and thought it
was funny. He didn’t think it was funny for very long because Dana punched him in
the face and broke his jaw. The police were called and Dana was arrested. The judge
ordered Dana to pay all this persons hospital bills, but Dana had no money and
eventually they attached his paycheck to pay the bills. It cost Dana good money, but I
am sure that person will forever think twice about grabbing someone’s girlfriend.
Dana and Brenda lived together for a number of years, and one day Dana just
decided he did not want to live with anyone, that he wanted to be by himself, or so
he said. Dana and Brenda had been making plans to move to Atlanta so this all
seemed to come out of nowhere. Brenda didn’t really have a life of her own. She had
no friends outside of work because she was always with Dana, which was how he
wanted it. Dana did not let her know that things were over. Brenda came home from
work one day to an empty apartment, and I do mean empty. Dana had not only moved
out but also taken all the furniture, and their rent was due the next week and Brenda
didn’t have enough money to pay it. Dana just told her to go back to Maine.
Brenda was a petite, quiet, girl, but she was not about to let Dana send her
packing back to Maine because he had decided he did not want to be with her
anymore. When Dana found out Brenda was not moving back to Maine, he went

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