The Life of Hinduism

(Barré) #1

anandamayi ma. 183

dynamic aspect, from theshaktiof the Mother because that is where we are. The
Motherly approach is easy because you can experience thisshakti;you can see that
everywhere in the world there is change. When you approach the Mother, she will
reveal to you the eternal, unchanging fabric upon which this world is woven. But
what is the goal of human life? The goal is to be in the safest place to sit and enjoy
the whole world. What is the safest place in the whole world? A child knows that
the lap of the Mother is the best place in the world. So sitting in the lap of the Ma
you can enjoy the whole world, because Ma will protect you from every evil thing.
So this is the Motherly approach.

Swamiji went on:

In our ashram there are many practices. Most people meditate on a picture of Ma.
Lisa, you would not believe the experiences people have had of Ma. She is still
here! But no matter what the practices, the goal is Ma. By meditating on Ma we can
reach whatever we could ever want. If we catch hold of Ma’s hand, then Ma will
lead us to whatever is needed for us. So we do not create a beautiful idea like “I’ll
become this and that.” We think only, I will meditate on Ma and I will love Ma and
she will show me. She took form for us. Ma told us, “You called for me, you prayed
for me, you got this body. As long as you want this body, it will stay. If you don’t
want this body, it will vanish.” God comes to this world because God loves us. We
are the children of God. We are the children of Mother. So Mother will come down
upon this earth one hundred times. Where her children are playing she can not
leave this earth. So she comes—the Ultimate Shakti.


  1. See Daniel Bassuk,Incarnation in Hinduism and Christianity: The Myth of the God
    Man(Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1987) for a complete discussion ofavatara.

  2. Caroline Walker Bynum, Fragmentation and Redemption: Essays on Gender and
    the Human Body in Medieval Religion (New York: Zone, 1991), 70.

  3. Satsang Tape no. 20, Vrindaban, November 1967, pp. 9–10.

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