Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering: An Integrated Approach, 3e

(Nora) #1

GTBL042-07 GTBL042-Callister-v2 August 6, 2007 12:43

204 • Chapter 7 / Mechanical Properties

Percent reduction in area %RA is defined as



A 0 −Af
A 0


× 100 (7.12)

Ductility, as percent
reduction in area

whereA 0 is the original cross-sectional area andAfis the cross-sectional area at
the point of fracture (refer to footnote 10 on page 203). Percent reduction in area
values are independent of bothl 0 andA 0. Furthermore, for a given material the
magnitudes of %EL and %RA will, in general, be different. Most metals possess at
least a moderate degree of ductility at room temperature; however, some become
brittle as the temperature is lowered (Section 9.8).
A knowledge of the ductility of materials is important for at least two reasons.
First, it indicates to a designer the degree to which a structure will deform plasti-
cally before fracture. Second, it specifies the degree of allowable deformation during
fabrication operations. We sometimes refer to relatively ductile materials as being
“forgiving,” in the sense that they may experience local deformation without fracture
should there be an error in the magnitude of the design stress calculation.
Brittle materials areapproximatelyconsidered to be those having a fracture
strain of less than about 5%.

Thus, several important mechanical properties of metals may be determined from
tensile stress–strain tests. Table 7.2 presents some typical room-temperature values
of yield strength, tensile strength, and ductility for several of the common metals
(and also for a number of polymers and ceramics). These properties are sensitive
to any prior deformation, the presence of impurities, and/or any heat treatment to
which the metal has been subjected. The modulus of elasticity is one mechanical
parameter that is insensitive to these treatments. As with modulus of elasticity, the
magnitudes of both yield and tensile strengths decline with increasing temperature;
just the reverse holds for ductility—it usually increases with temperature. Figure 7.14
shows how the stress–strain behavior of iron varies with temperature.

resilience Resilienceis the capacity of a material to absorb energy when it is deformed elastically
and then, upon unloading, to have this energy recovered. The associated property is
themodulus of resilience,Ur, which is the strain energy per unit volume required to
stress a material from an unloaded state up to the point of yielding.
Computationally, the modulus of resilience for a specimen subjected to a uniaxial
tension test is just the area under the engineering stress–strain curve taken to yielding
(Figure 7.15), or

Definition of
modulus of resilience




σd (7.13a)

Assuming a linear elastic region,

Modulus of resilience
for linear elastic




σyy (7.13b)

in whichyis the strain at yielding.
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