Close-Up and Macro Photography

(lily) #1

have to take this image to Photoshop for those last touches, but it
looks decent now.

There you have the general idea as to what an average retouching
session involves. It takes time and at first glance the stacked image
can make you want to just throw it out. I notice that I have to be in
the mood to retouch, so I wait for those mood. Otherwise it can
drive me crazy.

Is it worth it? We each have to decide that for ourselves. I have
spent just as much time retouching standard one-shot photos, so
what’s new?

To me, all photography is impressionistic, a reflection of the mind of
the photographer. Snapshots hold little interest for me. The arduous
technique involved in stacking and retouching photos has taught
me patience and attention to detail, both of which are things I need
to have more of. Focus stacking is not for the faint of heart.
Anyway, you have been warned.

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