Close-Up and Macro Photography

(lily) #1

Remote Shutter Release

A remote of one kind or another is indispensable for macro and
focus-stacking work.

My Focus-Stacking Rules of the Road

In general (not always) my recipe for stacking macro nature shots is
as follows. I include the obvious and the not-so-obvious:

(1) First Light – I try to get both the dim early light, the first rays,
and then as the sun rises, what I can. I move to shadowy areas as
the sun takes over. Sunlight, except in small shafts, is too bright for
my taste. I use diffusers. I carry diffusers and the most-used
diffuser is my own body between the subject and the sun.

(2) Cold – Cold is good for a couple of things. One it slows critters
down a lot and gives me a chance to stack photos. Second, it

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