Close-Up and Macro Photography

(lily) #1

lens stays stationary. In this way, we are sure the entrance pupil
does not move at all.

The problem I have with this solution is that with a lens like my old
favorite CV-125mm APO, it is not useful to mount that lens on a
bellows and move the camera from behind, because the lens was
built for its particular dimensions and is drastically altered when
used with a bellows. It is what it is, and that is why it is a great lens.
Start messing with it, and it gets ordinary fast.

However, an enlarger lens like the APO El-Nikkor 105mm works
perfectly as a bellows lens, since it was originally designed as an
enlarger lens, so I tried that.

Sure enough, the resulting PMax and DMap images matched
perfectly and there are no more problems with stacking this way.
Now, I can’t stack everything on a bellows, because I will continue
to use all of the various lenses I love, but I do understand that I
have a solution at hand with the bellows, should I need it.

As to why the greater resolution of the D800E brought this
problem to my attention in the first place, I have no idea other
than perhaps the finer detail brings it out. Any ideas?

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