Close-Up and Macro Photography

(lily) #1

patience to focus this baby. Again, a VR auto-focus lens would
help, and I have not tried to figure out whether my copy of the
D800E has the right/left focus problems. Not sure how to do that.
What is an easy test for that?

So my takeaway is embarrassment at my own technique, and the
sense that I need a lot of light for one-offs, higher apertures, and
that an autofocus lens would help a lot. I would want a tripod, even
for these shots and, at least for now, I have to be ready for a
workout. I felt clumsy with the D800E. This camera is demanding
when it comes to focus. And as wonderful as this camera is, it
appears to me at the moment that for this kind of work, it is a
specialty camera, not a general camera, at least in my opinion.

Of course, I am still a little daunted by the experience, and I can
only blame myself for the results. However, I am peaked to try it
again soon.

All shots with the Nikon D800E, CV-125, and an aperture perhaps
at f/5.6 or lower, not enough DOF for what was needed.

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