The Sudan Handbook

(Barré) #1
206 thE sudan handbook

El Amin, Khalid Ali, ‘Eastern Sudan indigenous conflict prevention,
management and resolution mechanisms: effectiveness, continuity and
change’, African Security Review 13, 2 (2004): pp. 1–20.
Bradbury, Mark et. al. Local Peace Processes in Sudan: A Baseline Study. Rift Valley
Institute, (2006).
Branch, Adam & Mampilly, Zachariah Cherian. ‘Winning the war but losing
the peace? The dilemma of SPLM/A civil administration and the tasks
ahead’, Journal of Modern African Studies 43, 1 (2005): pp. 1–20. Howell, John,
ed. Local Government and Politics in the Sudan. Khartoum: Khartoum University
Press, 1974.
Leonardi, Cherry et. al. Local Justice in Southern Sudan. Rift Valley Institute
and United States Institute of Peace (2010),
Mading Deng, Francis. Customary Law in the Modern World: the Crossfire of
Sudan’s War of Identities. Abingdon UK/New York: Routledge, 2009.
Miller, Catherine, ed. Land, Ethnicity and Political Legitimacy in Eastern Sudan.
Kassala & Gedaref States. Cairo: CEDEJ/DSRC, 2005.

The Sudan Handbook, edited by John Ryle, Justin Willis, Suliman Baldo and Jok Madut Jok. © 2011 Rift Valley Institute and contributors


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