Intuitive Thinking As a Spiritual Path

(Joyce) #1
262 Bibliography

Unger, Georg. Principles of Spiritual Science. Hudson, NY:
Anthroposophic Press, 1976.
Warren, Edward.Freedom as Spiritual Activity.London: Temple
Lodge, 1994.

II. On Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy

Davy, John; Adams, George, and others.A Man Before Others,
Rudolf Steiner Remembered. Bristol, England: Rudolf
Steiner Press, 1993.
Easton, Stewart. .Man and the World in the Light of Anthroposo-
phy. Hudson, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1989.
—Rudolf Steiner, Herald of a New Epoch.Hudson, NY: Anthro-
posophic Press, 1995.
Lissau, Rudi.Rudolf Steiner: Life, Work, Inner Path and Social
Initiatives. Stroud, England: Hawthorn Press, 1987.
Nesfield-Cookson, Bernard.Rudolf Steiner’s Vision of Love. Bris-
tol, England: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1994.
Prokoviev, Sergei,Rudolf Steiner and the Founding of the New
Mysteries. London: Temple Lodge Publishing, 1994.
Samweber, Anna.Memories of Rudolf Steiner. London: Rudolf
Steiner Press, 1991.
Schmidt, Paul E.Rudolf Steiner and Initiation. Spring Valley,
NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1981.
Shepherd, A. P.A Scientist of the Invisible. Rochester, Vermont:
Inner Traditions International, 1983.
Turgeniev, Assya and others.Reminiscences of Rudolf Steiner.
Ghent, NY: Adonis Press, 1987.
Wachsmuth, Guenther.The Life and Work of Rudolf Steiner.
Blauvelt, NY: Garber Communications, 1989.

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