Intuitive Thinking As a Spiritual Path

(Joyce) #1

relation of to thinking, 45-46,
47, 138
relation of to world, 19-23, 25-
26, 30, 75-76, 78, 118, 128
subjectivity of, 101
See also consciousness; self
conditions affecting, 138-139
See also consciousness
moral (ethical) ideas, 147,
167, 168, 170, 175, 183-
184, 234
naive understanding of, 111-
113, 177
origin of in thinking, 23, 49,
50, 170
relation of to concept, 49-50,
128, 176
relation of to motive, 11
relation of to spirit, 23
universality of, 149-150, 154
See also concept; thinking
affect of on love, 17
as goal of individual, 102
of metaphysical realism, 115,
moral idealism, 208
naive idealism, 109-110, 113
of spiritualism, 23, 220
illusion, 76, 78
of perceiving, 232
satisfaction as, 196, 202, 203-
Illusion of Free Will, The, 14-15
contents of, 237
moral imagination, 180-193,

221, 238
in production of mental
pictures, 182-183
Immanuel Kant's Epistemology,
immortality, belief in, 111
imperfect, concept of, 186
independent existence
and monism, 232
personal expressions of, 28
See also existence
compared to genus, 224-230
compared to object, 53
subject and object as, 82
subject as, 86
See also genus; human being
of action, 151
compared to similarity of
mental pictures, 119
compared to universality, 129-
132, 148-149, 153, 155,
156, 226, 232, 235
of concept formation, 83, 100
ethical (moral) individualism,
150, 154, 184-188, 189,
190, 223-225
of feeling, 101-102, 103, 130
and genus, 225-230
human individuality, 97-103,
141, 149, 153-155, 226
of willing, 138-139, 153
See also consciousness;
inductive inference
processes of, 120-121, 124
of underlying causes, 119-120
See also cause and effect
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