(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Relevant Costs 235

Question 1, the only marginal cost associated with the best seller is the explicit
$12 cost paid to the publisher. The manager maximizes profit by setting MR
equal to MC. Since MR  24 2Q, we have 24 2Q 12. The result is
Q 6 hundred books and P $18. This outcome is listed in Table 6.1a.
By comparison, what are the optimal order quantity and price when shelf
space is limited, as in Question 2? The key point is that ordering an extra best
seller will involve not only an out-of-pocket cost ($12) but also an opportunity
cost ($4). The opportunity cost is the $4 profit the shelf space would earn on
an already stocked book—profit that would be forgone. In short, the total cost
of ordering the book is 12  4 $16. Setting MR equal to $16, we find that
Q 4 hundred and P $20. Given limited shelf space, the manager orders
fewer best sellers than in Question 1. Table 6.1b compares the profitability of
ordering 400 versus 600 books. The cost column lists the store’s payment to
the publisher ($12 per best seller). Forgone profit is measured at $4 per book.
We confirm that ordering 400 books is the more profitable option, taking
into account the forgone profit on sales of other books. Indeed, the logic of
marginal analysis confirms that this order quantity is optimal, that is, better
than any other order size.
Finally, Question 3 asks how the manager should plan sales and pricing of
the 400 best sellers already received if demand falls to P  18 2Q. The key
here is to recognize that the original $12 purchase price is irrelevant; it is a
sunk cost. However, opportunity costs are relevant. The opportunity cost of
keeping the best seller for sale has two elements: the $4 profit that another
book would earn (as in Question 2) plus the $6 refund that would come if the
copy were returned. Therefore, the total opportunity cost is 6  4 $10.

An Optimal Book Order

The optimal number of
books to order and sell
depends on demand,
sales costs, and oppor-
tunity costs.

Sales Forgone Final
Price Revenue Cost Profit Net Profit
(a)Qs 600 $18 $10,800 $7,200 $ 0 $3,600
(b)Qs 400 20 8,000 4,800 1,600 1,600
[Qs600] 18 10,800 7,200 2,400 1,200
(c)Qs 200 14 2,800 4,800 800 1,600
Qr 200 6 1,200 0
[Qs400] 10 4,000 4,800 1,600 2,400
[Qr0] 6 0 0
[Qs0] — 0 4,800 0 2,400
[Qr400] 6 2,400 0

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