HTML5 Guidelines for Web Developers

(coco) #1

152 Chapter 5—Canvas

Figure 5.32 Compositing operation “lighter” with 16 base colors

We will encounter the compositing operator destination-out once more in the
mirror effect in Figure 5.37 in section 5.11, Transformations. Let’s first turn to
user-defined patterns in Canvas.

5.10 Patterns

To create user-defined patterns for fills and lines, the specification offers the
method createPattern(). Similar to drawImage(), it accepts both image elements
and canvas or video elements as input, defining the type of pattern repetition in
the parameter repetition:

context.createPattern(image, repetition)

Permitted values of the repetition argument are, as with the CSS specification’s
background-color attribute, repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y, and no-repeat. If we
again use the 16 named basic colors, we can use a few lines of code to create
checkered patterns, each with two pairs of colors (see Figure 5.33).
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