The Sociology of Philosophies

(Wang) #1

  1. Cantor originated the method of one-to-one correspondence; Cantor’s concept of
    the power or cardinal number of a set is similar to Frege’s Platonic object-numbers.

  2. Here Frege converges rather surprisingly with Bradley, who also held in his very
    different logic of 1883 that all true statements are about a single object, the
    universe. The British Idealist and the German logical formalist pursue a similar
    path insofar as they are rebounding off a common enemy, empiricist logic in the
    manner of J. S. Mill.

  3. When the full-blown logicist movement widened the search for predecessors,
    Bolzano was also added retrospectively to the pantheon. Beginning in the 1810s
    as a mathematician-philosopher in the pre-disciplinary mode of an old-fashioned
    university (Prague) on the periphery of the German system, Bolzano set out to
    refute Kant with a combination of Leibnizian metaphysics and infinitesimal calcu-
    lus (Coffa, 1991: 26–32; Boyer, 1985: 564–566). The result included various
    distinctions resembling those of Frege and his successors. Bolzano was ignored,
    owing in part to his isolation in the networks of the time; his work lacked the
    drive to omni-symbolism which became the mark of the later movement, and his
    innovations were buried in a metaphysical system of archaic cast. As in other cases
    where adumbrations were recognized only in retrospect, Bolzano points up the
    importance of a full-scale intellectual movement to raise details from their sur-
    roundings and focus attention on them as landmarks of a new worldview.

  4. Almost simultaneously, in 1844 Grassmann produced an even wider generalization
    of complex numbers, connected to n-dimensional geometry, and dropping not only
    the commutative but also the associative law. Grassmann’s work was little recog-
    nized until the 1860s. The difference in fame was due to the fact that Hamilton’s
    work came as the climax of controversy around the fundamentals of British
    mathematics; whereas Grassmann was working in a side area far from the topics
    on which German and French mathematicians were focusing attention. Grassmann
    originated not in the network of leading German mathematicians, but as a theology
    pupil of Schleiermacher. Under prevailing conceptions of mathematics, such non-
    naturalistic innovations were likely seen in a theological rather than a strictly
    mathematical context. Hamilton too had German Idealist connections as an inti-
    mate of Coleridge; he claimed quaternions had cosmic rather than merely mathe-
    matical significance (Hankins, 1980).

  5. Sir William Hamilton and Bolzano (see note 12) are structural parallels: both were
    philosophical conservatives at provincial universities who found their stimulus in
    opposing the influx of fashionable Kantianism. In both cases fundamental innova-
    tions in logic were set in motion in the 1830s which were not recognized until

  6. Again in 1863 Mill was to promote his systematic philosophy by using Sir William
    Hamilton as a foil. Hamilton was especially well known in America, where Scottish
    faculty psychology dominated the colleges; there he became the subject of discus-
    sions from which emerged yet another innovation in logic, that of Peirce in the
    1870s. As we saw in Chapter 12, Peirce’s starting point in mathematics, via his
    father’s work, was an extension of Cayley and Sylvester’s method for inventing

1014 •^ Notes to Pages 703–707

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