The Sociology of Philosophies

(Wang) #1

Figure 10.2. Network Overlap of
Greek Mathematicians and
Philosophers, 600 b.c.e.–600 c.e.
Note: Figure 10.2 follows a notation
different from all other figures. For this
figure only:
()  non-mathematician
[]  number in Figures 3.1 through 3.8,
network of Greek philosophers
underlined  major or secondary
philosopher in Figures 3.1 through 3.8

1 Ameristus
(1a) Stesichorus (poet)
2 Naburianos (Chaldean astron)
(3) Leucippus
4 Anaximander
5 Phaeinus (astron)
6 Bryson (Sophist)
7 Meton (astron)
8 Euctemon (astron)
8a Antiphon (Sophist)
8b Hippasus of Metapontum
8c Theodorus of Cyrene
9 Oenopides of Chios [17]
11 Andron
12 Zenodotus
13 Hicetas of Syracuse [23]
(Pythagorean astron)
14 Eurytas [25] (Pythagorean)
15 Echecrates [26] (Pythagorean)
16 Thymaridas (Pythagorean)
18 Leo
20 Theaetetus [41]
21 Leodamos of Thasos 
22 Kidenas (astron, Babylon)
23 Polemarchus [78]
23a Helicon
24a Dinostratus
24b Aristaeus

(^25) Speusippus
26 Theudius of Magnesia [46]
27 Ecphantus [24] (Pythagorean)
28 Philippus Medmaeus (Philip
of Opus) [43]
(^29) Heraclides Ponticus
31 Spintharus [69]
32 Aristoxenus [72] (harmonics)
33 Dicearchus of Messina [74]
34 Eudemus of Rhodes [73]
(^35) Theophrastus
36 Xenocrates
37 Autolycus of Pitane [80]
38 Callipus [79]
39 Arcesilaus
40 Aratus of Soli [96] (astron,
41 Crantor of Soli
42 Strato
(43) Ariston of Chios
44 Bion [89] (Cynic)
45 Callimachus
46 Conon of Samos
47 Dositheus
i 48 Phidias (astron, father of
i 49 father of 50 (Epicurean)
50 Dionysodorus
51 Eudemus of Pergamum
52 Sudines (Chaldean astron &
astrol at Seleucid court,
53 Philonides (Epicurean,
Pergamum court)
54 Zenodorus
55 Diocles
i 56 father of 58
57 Basilides of Tyre [126]
58 Hypsicles of Alexandria
59 Seleucus of Selucia (same as
60 Theodosius of Bythinia
61 sons of 60
63 Zeno of Sidon [166]
944 • (^) Appendix 3

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