Finamcial Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

  1. The business may suddenly be confronted with extremely strong price
    competition, which could drive prices down and affect profits.

  2. It is a good idea to get in the habit of testing and monitoring the
    performance of the business on, at least, a quarterly basis.

Risk assessment and break-even analysis should be part of any business plan along
with the development of contingency plans in case of 'the worst-case scenario'

Uses of the break-even analysis

The break-even analysis can to be used to:

  1. Evaluate possible prices of the various product lines

  2. Monitor the viability of existing business segments

  3. Assess the viability of pursuing new market segments

  4. Assess the relative return on investment of various existing market

  5. Test the effect of changing market conditions on business segments

  6. Test the viability of any expansion plans such as adding new equipment or
    entering a new market

  7. Assess after adding additional production equipment

  8. Assess after increasing staff for any reason

  9. Assess if there are sudden increases in fees, licences, or taxes from
    government or regulatory agencies

  10. Assess after—increasing marketing costs to promote an offering.

  11. Assess after—increasing marketing costs to service a new market.

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