33 Familial or inherited conditions with a high risk for life-
threatening ventricular tachyarrhythmia such as long QT
syndrome or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
44 Non-sustained VT with coronary artery disease, prior MI, and
LV dysfunction, and inducible sustained VT or VF at electro-
physiological study.
55 Recurrent syncope of undetermined aetiology in the presence
of ventricular dysfunction and inducible ventricular
arrhythmias at electrophysiological study when other causes of
syncope have been excluded.
The size of the risk reduction to patients and the degree of life
prolongation are only moderate in the trials showing benefit of
ICD over antiarrhythmic therapy. The cost per life year saved is
also wildly different in these trials giving us conflicting
information, e.g. $22,800 (MADIT) and $114,917 (AVID).
There is a wide variation in implant rates across the world
(Table 87.1).
TTaabbllee 8877 .. 11 NNuummbbeerr ooff iimmppllaannttss ppeerr mmiilllliioonn// ppooppuullaattiioonn iinn wweesstteerrnn
CCoouunnttrryy 11999966 11999977 ppeerr mmiilllliioonn ppooppuullaattiioonn (( 11999977 ))
USA 23,407 34,121 120
Germany 1975 3556 45
France 210 420 10
Italy 280 950 16
Netherlands 150 220 9
UK 240 410 7