michael s
(Michael S)
93 Which cardiac patients should never get
pregnant? Which cardiac patients should undergo
elective Caesarean section?
Sara Thorne
Which women should never get pregnant?
11 Those with significant pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary
vascular resistance >2/3 of systemic), especially cyanotic patients
and those with Eisenmenger reaction (maternal mortality ~50%)
and those with residual pulmonary hypertension after e.g. VSD
closure. NB: Even women with modest pulmonary vascular
disease ~1/2 systemic are at risk of death.
22 Those with grade 4 systemic ventricular function (EF <20%).
Which women should not get pregnant until operated upon?
11 Marfan’s syndrome patients with aortic aneurysm/dilated
aortic root.
22 Those with severe left sided obstructive lesions (AS, MS,
Which women should undergo elective Caesarean section?
11 Those with independent obstetric indications.
22 Caesarean section should be strongly considered for the
following women:
- Those with mechanical valves, especially tilting disc in the
mitral position. The key here is to leave the mother off
warfarin for the minimum time possible. An elective section
is performed at 38 weeks’ gestation, replacing the warfarin
with unfractionated heparin for the minimum time possible
- Severe aortic or mitral stenosis.
If the mother’s life is at risk, section followed by valve
replacement may be necessary.
Controversy remains over whether the following patients
should undergo elective Caesarean section:
11 Cyanotic congenital heart disease with impaired fetal growth.
Section may help to avoid further fetal hypoxaemia, but at the