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other hormones are also affected, all of which help to shift fuel use away from carbohydrates and
towards fat.

Exercise and the ketogenic diet

As with any fat-loss diet, exercise will improve the success of the ketogenic diet. However,
a diet devoid of carbohydrates is unable to sustain high-intensity exercise performance although
low-intensity exercise may be performed. For this reason, individuals who wish to use a ketogenic
diet and perform high-intensity exercise must integrate carbohydrates without disrupting the
effects of ketosis.

Two modified ketogenic diets are described in this book which approach this issue from
different directions. The targeted ketogenic diet (TKD) allows carbohydrates to be consumed
immediately around exercise, to sustain performance without affecting ketosis. The cyclical
ketogenic diet (CKD) alternates periods of ketogenic dieting with periods of high-carbohydrate
consumption. The period of high-carbohydrate eating refills muscle glycogen to sustain exercise

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