The Hardgainer CKD fat loss workout
A potential problem with CKD for fat loss is that a fairly high volume of weight training is
required to deplete glycogen between carb-ups. Additionally, training bodyparts twice each week
can cause overtraining in those with poor recovery ability. As discussed in chapter 12, one option
is to perform less heavy tension sets on Monday and Tuesday and deplete muscle glycogen with
light, high rep sets not taken to failure.
Another option is to make the CKD a 14 day cycle rather than a seven day cycle. Thus,
the total volume of work needed to deplete muscle glycogen (roughly 4-6 sets per bodypart
assuming a 36 hour carb-up) can be stretched across two weeks of training. This allows 2-3 sets
per major bodypart (smaller bodyparts would require less sets) at each workout. Sample
Hardgainer CKD schedules appear in tables 5 and 6.
Table 5: Hardgainer option
Mon: Workout 1
Tue: Off
Wed: Workout 2
Thu: Off
Fri: Workout 1 ; no carb-up
Sat/Sun: Off
Mon: Workout 2
Tue: Off
Wed: Workout 1
Thu: Off
Fri: Workout 2 ; start carb-up
Table 6: Extreme Hardgainer option
Mon: Workout 1
Tue-Thu: Off
Fri: Workout 2 ; no carb-up
Sat/Sun: Off
Mon: Workout 1
Tue-Thu: Off
Fri: Workout 2, start carb-up