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daily requirements 42,44-45 weight training and 211,213
de novo lipogenesis from 21-22,135-136, yohimbine and 296
303-304 Central nervous system
digestion of 104 fuel use and 42
exercise and 12,75,120,123,126,168,182 stimulation via ECA 295
191,213,215-216,245,273-277 Cholesterol
fat loss and 65-66 bodyfat and 75
fat sparing effect of 20,23 intake of 103
from fiber 78,116-117,298 ketogenic diet and 75,170
glucose and, see glucose ketosis and 111
glycemic index and 105,125,133,140,309 production in liver 112
insulin-resistance and 71-72,153,190 unsaturated fats and 114,290
intake of 102-106 weight loss/gain and 75
ketosis and 31,34,39,42,53,103-104,125, Chromium picolinate 302-303
136-137,226 Pre-contest prep and 285
protein requirements and 56,107-109 Citric Acid 116
protein sparing effect of 20,46,58 Cortisol
TKD and 124-127 calorie intake and 138,212
thermic effect of 93 carbohydrates and 271
thyroid and 48 effects of 25,138,212
use of 23,26,40,72,139,154,194 exercise and 184,190
water weight and 62-64,81,88,148,153, FFA breakdown and 29
158-159,167 ketogenic diet and 40,139
yohimbe and 297 muscle growth and 212,219
L-carnitine 299 Creatine monohydrate 304, 306-307
Carnitine palmityl transferase 1 (CPT-1) pre-contest preparation 285
adaptations to 195 Creatine phosphate
FFA transport 32, 185 ATP-PC system 177,202
liver glycogen depletion 31 breakdown 202
malonyl-CoA levels 32 fatigue and 214
Catabolism Cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD)
aerobic exercise and 189-190 adaptations to ketosis 136-137
cortisol and 25,212 adolescents and 171
insulin, glucagon and 24 advanced workout 266-269
ketones and 46-47 beginning trainees and 120,168,260
liver glycogen and 26,139,144 bodybuilders and 120,270,280
overfeeding and 138 body composition and 160-161,279
underfeeding and 106,138,212 carb-load and 131-135,142-143,167-
Catecholamines 168, 282,302
adrenoreceptors and 292 carbohydrate intake and 105,141
aerobic exercise and 181,190 creatine and 306
effects on ketosis 190,201,226 ending a 155-156
ephedrine and 294 endurance athletes and 277
excess post-exercise oxygen ephedrine and 296
consumption 230 glycogen depletion and 128-131
fat breakdown and 25,30,185 insulin resistance and 72,168
gender differences and 189 interval training and 236,245
insulin and 190 ketosis and 225
intramuscular TG use 187 lean body mass and 68,138-140,
ketogenic diet and 41,193 270,280
liver glycogen and 116,184,212 long-term effects 71,137,212
thermogenesis and 292 plateaus 148-152
L-tyrosine and 296 powerlifters and 273-276

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