BioPHYSICAL chemistry

(singke) #1
This reaction is highly exergonic, with a Gibbs energy difference of
−220 kJ mol−^1 under standard conditions. Much of the energy is used to
transfer protons out of the matrix into the intermembrane space. In con-
sidering the proton flow, for every pair of electrons, there are four protons
transferred by complex I, four by complex III, and two by complex IV.
Including the proton transfer with the electron transfer yields:


The molecular mechanisms by which each step of this net reaction pro-
ceeds is under active investigation by a number of laboratories. For each
complex, a number of cofactors are involved in multi-electron transfers
that are coupled with proton transfer. The
determination of the structures of com-
plexes II, III, and IV and the water-soluble
domain of complex I has provided the
foundation for such investigations (Xia
et al. 1997; Iwata et al. 1998; Iverson et al.
1999; Lancaster et al. 1999; Sarasta 1999;
Lange & Hunte 2002; Yankovskaya et al.
2003; Sazanov & Hinchiffe 2006). Among
the revelationsfrom these structures was
the realization that the protein surround-
ing the cofactors is not simply scaffolding.
Motion of the protein plays a critical role,
with the electron transfer between the
iron–sulfur cluster and cytochrome c 1 heme
being driven by a rocking motion of the
Rieske iron–sulfur protein (Figure 6.12;
Zhang et al. 1998; Darrouzet et al. 2001;
Berry & Huang 2003).

Research direction: ATP synthase

This strategy of overcoming endothermic reactions by coupling the reac-
tions with ATP hydrolysis is used in all living cells for the synthesis of
metabolic intermediates and cellular components. To be practical, ATP
must be available to drive these reactions. Towards this end, the transfer
of protons across the cell membrane is used to drive the synthesis of ATP
from ADP through the transfer of protons from the intermembrane space
to the matrix:

ADP +Pi+nH+intermembrane→ATP +H 2 O +nH+matrix (6.28)

NADH++→+ 11 Hmatrix++O NAD Hinterm



2e^10 + embrane+HO 2




Cytochrome b

c 1

Cytochrome c 2

Rieske Fe–S

Q 0


QH 2

QH 2




Fe 2 S 2

to RC

Figure 6.12
representation of
the cytochrome bc 1
complex showing the
motion of the Rieske
iron–sulfur protein
that plays a key
role in driving the
pathway. Modified
from Crofts and
Berry (1998).

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