BioPHYSICAL chemistry

(singke) #1
may be possible to identify the relative amount of each
state if they have different spectra. If the spectrum of
each pure component is known then it is possible to
determine the amount of each component by measur-
ing the absorption at multiple wavelengths.
Assume that there are two components, A and B, wih
concentrations [A] and [B], respectively (Figure 14.6). The
total absorption at a given wavelength is given by:

A=AA+AB=(εA[A] +εB[B])l (14.12)

If the spectrum is measured at two different wave-
lengths, λ 1 and λ 2 , then the absorption at each wave-
length is given by:

A(λ) 1 =(εA(λ) 1 [A] +εB(λ) 1 [B])l
A(λ) 2 =(εA(λ) 2 [A] +εB(λ) 2 [B])l


Since there are two unknowns, [A] and [B], and two
equations, it is possible to solve these equations for the
unknowns. Some algebra yields:


There may be a point in the spectrum at which the spectrum does not
change as the relative concentrations of A and B change because the extinc-
tion coefficients are equal at this point; this is known as an isosbestic point.
Having an isosbestic point demonstrates that the sample consists of two
components in equilibrium with no intermediates and provides a useful
reference point for spectral measurements.


What determines the wavelength at which a molecule absorbs light?
The absorption of light is associated with a transition of an electron from
one state to another. Because the energies of the electronic states are
quantized, the energy of the photon that can be absorbed is also quantized
(Figure 14.7). Based upon the conservation of energy, the frequency of
the light emitted when an electron makes a transition from state 1 to
state 2 is:


() () () ()

() ()





ελ λ−ελ λ

12 21
12 −ελελAB() () 21


() () () ()

() ()





ελ λ−ελ λ

21 12
12 −ελελAB() () 21


Wavelength λ

Spectrum of
species A

Spectrum of
species B

Spectrum of
solution with
both A and B

A(λ 1 )

A(λ 2 )

Absorbance A

Figure 14.6The contributions of
different components (A and B) in an
optical spectrum can be separated with
measurements at different wavelengths.
At an isosbestic point the absorption
does not change as the relative
concentrations of the components

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