BioPHYSICAL chemistry

(singke) #1

Phase determination

In a diffraction experiment, the intensity of each diffraction peak, that is
|F(hkl)|^2 , is measured. To determine the electron density, the value of the
amplitude and phase of F(hkl) is needed. Unfortunately,the phase cannot
be determined directly from the intensity because the structure factor is a
complex number and the phase associated with the structure factor is not
determined in the experiment. There are three approaches that can be
used to overcome this phase problem.

Molecular replacement

In the case that the structure of the protein crystallized is unknown, but
the structure of a related protein has already been determined, then the
approach of molecular replacement can be used. The structure of the related
protein is first modified to make a structural model that resembles the
unknown protein. Based upon a comparison of the sequences, regions are
removed that are found in the related protein but not in the unknown


S=ha* +kb* +lc*

where (a,b,c) and (a*,b*,c*) represent unit vectors in real and reciprocal space, respectively.
The expression for the structure factor (eqn db15.6) can now be written in terms of the
position and diffraction vectors:


A more general form of this relationship treats the electron density of the diffracting object
as a continuous object rather than as a sum of discrete atoms. In this case, the summation
is replaced by an integral and the discrete atomic scattering factors are replaced by the elec-
tron density at the location:


This last equation represents a Fourier transform from real space to reciprocal space. Jean
Baptiste Joseph Fourier lived in France during the French Revolution and discovered Fourier
transforms as a method of relating two functions by integral transforms. These transforms
are used in many applications, including the conversion of the temporal response of timed
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) pulses into a chemical-shift spectrum (Chapter 16).

FS() ()=∫ρre^2 πi()rS⋅ dV

FS()= ( ) ()


∑f hkl ei


2 π
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