BioPHYSICAL chemistry

(singke) #1



15.1 Why are X-rays needed to determine the structure of proteins in diffraction?
15.2 Why are protein structures not directly observable in an X-ray microscope?
15.3 How is the X-ray scattering factor dependent on atomic number and angle?
15.4 Using Bragg’s law, calculate the angle at which the n=1 diffraction peak is observed,
λ=1 Å and (a) d=5 nm and (b) d=0.5 nm.
15.5 What is a protein crystal?
15.6 Explain how the composition of a protein crystal differs from that of a simple salt crystal.
15.7 Explain what the ‘phase problem’ is for solving protein structures.
15.8 Explain how Figure 15.14 is used in protein crystallography, including a description of
the symbols in the figure.
15.9 Explain the difference between isomorphous replacement and anomalous dispersion.
15.10 Explain how a Ramachandran plot is used in model building.
15.11 Why are mirror symmetries excluded for protein crystals but not inorganic crystals?
15.12 X-rays can be generated using copper targets. Calculate the wavelength of a photon that
is emitted when an electron makes a transition from the n=3 level to the n=1 level in
15.13X-rays can be generated using molybdenum targets. Calculate the wavelength of a photon
that is emitted when an electron makes a transition from the n=3 level to the n=1 level
in molybdenum.
15.14 Explain why synchrotrons are useful for solving structures of proteins.


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