Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1

274 Part II: Water, Enzymology, Biotechnology, and Protein Cross-linking

pericarp is boiled in ethanol or extracted with tris-
buffered phenol to inactivate enzymes (Huber 1992),
and cell-wall polysaccharides are precipitated with
ethanol. Alcohol-insoluble solids (AIS) are sequen-
tially extracted with 50 mMtrans-1,2-diaminocy-
clohexane-N,N,Nā€™,Nā€™-tetraacetic acid (CDTA), 50

mM sodium acetate buffer (pH6.5) to obtain the
chelator-soluble (or ionically bound) pectin. Next,
the pellet is extracted with 50 mM sodium carbonate,
20 mM sodium borohydride, which results in break-
ing of ester bonds, to obtain the carbonate-soluble
(covalently bound) pectin. The remaining residue

Figure 12.2.(Continued)

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