12 Pectic Enzymes in Tomatoes 279
The degree of methylesterification increased signifi-
cantly in antisense PME fruit, by 20–40% compared
with wild-type fruit. Additionally, the amount of
chelator-soluble polyuronides decreased in trans-
genic lines, a result that was expected since deme-
thylesterification is necessary for calcium-mediated
cross-linking of pectin. Furthermore, chelator-solu-
ble polyuronides from red ripe tomato pericarp
exhibited a larger amount of intermediate size poly-
mers in transgenic lines than in controls, indicating a
decrease in pectin depolymerization in the chelator-
soluble fraction. As described above, PME action
precedes that of PG. An increase of about 15% in sol-
uble solids was also observed in transgenic fruit peri-
carp cell walls (Tieman et al. 1992). Expression of the
antisense PME construct also influenced the ability of
the fruit tissue to bind divalent cations. Calcium accu-
mulation in the wall was not influenced; however,
two-thirds of the total calcium in transgenic fruit was
present as soluble calcium, compared with one-third
in wild-type fruit (Tieman and Handa 1994). Pectin
with a higher degree of methylesterification was
found in PME-suppressed fruit, thus presented fewer
sites for calcium binding in the cell wall.
From a food-processing standpoint, the effect of
these modifications in PME activity in tomato cell
walls during ripening was further investigated. Juice
prepared from transgenic antisense PME fruit had
about a 35–50% higher amount of total uronic acids
than control fruit. Pectin extracted from juice pro-
cessed by a hot break, a microwave break, or a cold
break method was methylesterified at a higher de-
gree in PME-suppressed juices. In addition, pectin
from transgenic fruit was of larger molecular mass
Figure 12.4.Size exclusion chromatography of CDTA-soluble pectin fractions from juice (upper)and paste (lower)
prepared from control and suppressed PG fruit. Larger polysaccharide molecules elute close to the void volume of
the column (fraction 20),whereas small molecules elute at the total column volume (fraction 75). (Redrawn from
Kalamaki 2003.)