Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
12 Pectic Enzymes in Tomatoes 283

selective inactivation a combination of heating and
high hydrostatic pressure can be used during pro-
cessing or alternatively, the expression of a particu-
lar enzyme can be suppressed using genetic engi-
neering in fruit.


Thermal processing (i.e., exposure of the food to
elevated temperatures for relatively short times) has
been used for almost 200 years to produce shelf-
stable products by inactivating microbial cells,
spores, and enzymes in a precisely defined and con-
trolled procedure. Kinetic description of the destruc-
tive effects of heat on both desirable and undesirable
attributes is essential for proper thermal process
At constant temperature and pressure conditions
PME thermal inactivation follows first-order kinet-
ics (Crelier et al. 2001, Fachin et al. 2002, Stoforos
et al. 2002):


where A is the enzyme activity at time t, k the reac-
tion rate constant, and P and T the pressure and tem-
perature process conditions.
Ignoring the pressure dependence, Equation 12.1
leads to

−= =


kA k f T, ( , P,.. .)


where Aois the initial enzyme activity and the reac-
tion rate constant kT, a function of temperature, is
adequately described by Arrhenius kinetics through
Equation 12.3.


where kTrefis the reaction rate constant at a constant
reference temperature Tref, Eais the activation ener-
gy, and R is the universal gas constant (8.314 J/
PG thermal inactivation follows first-order kinet-
ics (Crelier et al. 2001, Fachin et al. 2003), as sug-
gested by Equation 12.2 above, or a fractional con-
version model (Eq. 12.4) that suggests a residual
enzyme activity at the end of the treatment.


where Ais the residual enzyme activity after pro-
longed heating.
From the data presented by Crelier et al. (2001) the
effect of processing temperature on crude tomato
juice PG and PME thermal inactivation rates at ambi-
ent pressure is illustrated in Figure 12.6. The higher
resistance of PG, compared with PME, to thermal
inactivation is evident (Fig. 12.6). Furthermore, PG

AA A Ae=+ −∞∞()o −ktT







exp ⎥


AAe= o−ktT

Figure 12.6.Effect of processing temperature on PG and PME thermal inactivation rates at ambient pressure.
(Redrawn from Crelier and others 2001.)

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