Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
28 Biochemistry of Fermented Meat 653

drops. Nitrate reductase, which is present in Micro-
coccaceae, reduces nitrate to nitrite, which is after-
wards further reduced to nitric oxide, which can
react with myoglobin. Oxidative discoloration con-
sists in the conversion of nitrosylmyoglobin to ni-
trate and metmyoglobin, which affects the oxidative
stability because of the prooxidant effect of ferric


The consistency of fermented meats is initiated with
the salt addition and pH reduction. The water-binding
capacity of myofibrillar proteins decreases as pH
approaches the proteins’ isoelectric point and releas-
es water. The solubility of myofibrillar proteins is
also reduced, with a trend towards aggregation and
coagulation, forming a gel. The consistency of this
gel increases with water loss during drying. So,
there is a continuous development of textural char-
acteristics such as firmness, hardness, and cohesive-
ness of meat particles during drying (Toldrá 2002).
The meat:fat ratio may affect some of these textural
characteristics, but in general, the final texture of the
sausage will mainly depend on the extent of drying
(Toldrá et al. 2004).


Little or no flavor is usually detected before meat
fermentation, although a large number of flavor pre-
cursors are present. As fermentation and further

ripening/drying progresses, the combined effect of
endogenous muscle enzyme and microbial activity
produces a high number of nonvolatile and volatile
compounds with sensory impact. The longer the
process, the more the accumulation of these com-
pounds is increased and their sensory impact en-
hanced. Although not so important as in meat cook-
ing, some compounds with sensory impact may be
produced through further chemical reactions. The
addition of spices also has an intense contribution to
specific flavors.


The main nonvolatile compounds contributing to
taste of fermented meats are summarized in Table
28.5. Sour taste, mainly resulting from lactic acid
generation through microbial glycolysis, is the most
relevant taste in fermented meats. Sourness is also
correlated with other microbial metabolites such as
acetic acid. Ammonia may be generated through
deaminase and deamidase activity, usually present
in yeasts and molds, reducing the intensity of the
acid taste. Salty taste is usually perceived as a direct
taste from salt addition. ATP-derived compounds
such as inosine monophosphate and guanosine mono-
phosphate exert some taste enhancement, while hy-
poxanthine contributes to bitterness. Other taste con-
tributors are those compounds resulting from protein
hydrolysis. The generation and accumulation of
small peptides and free amino acids contribute to
taste perception, which increases with the length of
process. Some of these small peptides (e.g., leucine,
isoleucine, and valine) also act as aroma precursors,
as described below.


The origin of aroma mainly depends on the ingredi-
ents and processing conditions. Different pathways
are responsible for the formation of volatile com-
pounds with aroma impact (Table 28.6). As men-
tioned above, proteolysis originates a large amount
of small peptides and free amino acids. Microorgan-
isms can convert the amino acids leucine, isoleu-
cine, valine, phenylalanine, and methionine to im-
portant sensory compounds with low threshold
values. Some of the most important are branched
aldehydes such as 2- and 3-methylbutanal and 2-
methylpropanal, branched alcohols, acids such as

Figure 28.8.Picture of a typical small-diameter
salchichón, showing its cross section.

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