Index 749
phenolics, 515, 518–519
pigments, 515, 519
proteins, 515, 517–518, 521
vitamins, 515, 517
volatiles, 515, 519, 521
water, 515, 517, 519–522, 525
Carbon dioxide-assisted high pressure processing, 88
Carbon dioxide, 672
Carboxypeptidase, 12, 579
Carboxypeptidases, 318, 321
Carcass, 308–310
biochemical techniques, 310
grading systems, 308–310
physical techniques, 308
yield, 308
Carotenoids, 31, 36, 55–56
astaxanthin, 55–56
beta-carotene, 37–39, 55–56
lycopene, 37, 55–56, 62
Carp, 382, 389, 616
Carrier materials, 675
selection criteria, 675
silicon carbide, 676
Case hardening, 648
Casein, 596, 609
micelles, 596, 598, 602, 610
para--casein, 599
Caseins, 48
Casing, 646–647
Catabolism, 383, 388
Catabolite inactivation, 664
Catalase, 320, 332, 644–645, 650
Catalytic efficiency, 175–176
Catalytic residues, 182, 184, 204
Catechol oxidase, 73
Catecholase, 72–73
Cathepsins, 10, 306, 317, 320–325, 332, 366, 648
A, 391
B, 388
C, 391
D, 391
L, 389, 392
Cell structure, 515, 520, 524
Cell wall degradation, 493
Cellulose, 197, 202, 208, 210, 212, 568, 570
Cereals, 82–83, 615–636
composition, 616–618
non-enzymatic browning, 555–565
products, 615–636
species, 253
Chain-terminal reaction for nucleotide sequencing, 156
Changes in lipids
during cheese fermentation, 12
in food systems, 12
of carbohydrates during seed germination, 5
Changes of carbohydrates in food systems, 5
Cheddaring, 604
Cheese, 83, 88, 461–466, 599–606, 612
acid-coagulated, 461, 598, 602, 604, 606,
acid-heat-coagulated, 463
camembert, 601
Cheddar, 600, 604
Colby, 600, 604
curd formation, 604
Edam, 601, 606
Emmantel, 600
Feta, 601
Gouda, 601, 604, 606
Limburger, 601, 604
Monterey, 604
Mozzarella, 600, 604
Natural, 599–606
Processed, 606
Provalone, 600
rennet-coagulated, 463–466, 599–606
Ricotta, 604
ripened, 598–606
Ripening, 465–466
Romano, 600
Roquefort, 601
Swiss, 600,606
unripened, 598–599, 602
Chef, 626
Chelating agents, 74–75
Chemical bonding, 105
lone pair, 105
valence electron, 105
Chill-haze reduction, 12
Chlorogenic acid, 73
Chloroplast breakdown, 506
Chocolate, 82, 91
Cholesterol content in seafood, 356
Cholesterol, 40, 45, 49–50, 61
high-density lipoproteins (HDL), 49
low-density lipoproteins (LDL), 49
Chorelywood bread process, 620–621
Chorophylls, 31
Chromatographic methods, 169
Chromatography, 197–201
affinity, 197, 199–201
hydrophobic interaction, 197
hydroxyapatite, 197, 208
ion-exchange, 197–198
reverse phase, 197
size exclusion, 197
Chromogenic methods, 168
Chum salmon, 389
Churning, 608
Chymosin, 20, 241, 242, 598–599
action on milk, 245–247
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