Index 759
METgene, 673
Metabolic engineering, 213
Metabolism of
complex carbohydrates, 5
lactose in cheese production, 5
organic acids in cheese production, 5
Metal ion, 157
cofactors, 185
Metalloprotease, 575, 579–580
Methionine, 81–82, 88, 90
Methods, detecting foodborne pathogens, 717–738
culture-dependent enrichment methods, 717–718
immunoassay-based methods, 730–737
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 732
fluorescent labeled immunoassays, 735
immunomagnetic assays, 735
latex agglutination assays, 737
surface plasmon resonance (SPR), 735, 737
types of antibodies used, 730, 732
non-nucleic acid-based automated methods, 718
microbial Identification System (MIS), 718
microLog System, 718
replianaylzer system, 718
VITEK system, 718
nucleic acid-based methods, 718–726
DNA microarrays, 726
multiplex PCR, 724
nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA),
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 719–726
real-time PCR, 724
reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR), 724
pathogen subtyping and verification methods, 726–730
amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP),
fluorescent in situ hybridization, 729–730
pulse-field gel electrophoresis, 729
randomly amplified polymorphic DNA, 727, 729
restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP),
ribotyping, 729
Methods, gene transfer,
animals, 47–51
embryonic stem cell transfer, 47
microinjection, 47, 49, 50, 52
nuclear transfer, 47–48
viral vector infection, 47
plants, 36–47
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, 36–38, 42,
45, 47
gene gun, 36
Methylbutanal, 623, 666, 667
Methylglyoxal, 85
Mevalonate, 16
constant, 380
equation, 156, 161
plot, 162
Microarrays, 212
Microbial Identification System (MIS), 718
Microbial protease, 12
MicroLog System, 718
Microorganisms. See alsoStarter cultures
Candida. SeeYeasts
Clostridium, 642, 651
Debaryomices. SeeYeasts
Escherichia coli, 651
Kocuria varians, 650
lactic acid bacteria, 322, 648, 650
Lactobacillus, 648, 650
Listeria, 651
Micrococcaceae, 328, 644–645, 653
pathogenic, 595, 599, 609
Pediococcus, 648
Penicillium. SeeMolds
Safety, 687–703
salmonellae, 650–651
spoilage, 595, 599
Staphylococcus,328, 332, 650–651
Microwave, 129
cooking, 129
freeze dry, 130
heating, 88
interaction with ice, 130
interaction with water, 129
microwave spectroscopy. SeeSpectroscopy
Milk, constituents
lactose, 426–431
crystallization, 428–429
derivatives, 430
fermentation, 431, 461
food applications, 429
heat-induced changes, 458
hydrolysis, 469
nutritional aspects, 430
production from whey, 467–468
properties, 427–429
solubility, 427–428
structure, 426–427
lipids, 431–437
conjugated linoleic acid, 432–433
creaming, 435–436
definition, 431
fat-soluble vitamins, 437
fatty acid profile, 432
globule stability, 435
homogenization, 436
hydrolysis, 471–472
milk emulsion, 434–435
oxidation, 436–437, 473
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