Leadership and Management in China: Philosophies, Theories, and Practices

(Jacob Rumans) #1

6/4 pro-democracy movement (1989),
100 Schools of Thought, 1, 2 , 33, 145
375 Rent Reduction Program, 131

Absolute (Daoism), 88
active leadership, 13
active non-action ( wei wu-wei), 2, 10,
11, 13, 21, 24, 93
adaptations, 148 , 150 , 164
administration, 68–69, 76
agriculture reform, 225 , 228
Ai Siqi, 215 , 235
altruism, 89, 90, 91
Analects (Confucius), 32, 33, 256
Anti-Japan War (1937–1945), 208 , 210
appointment by talents/abilities,
organization of, 162–163
in Warring States, 144–145
art of manipulation ( shu), 111 , 112 ,
Art of war (Sunzi), 10, 89, 143 , 144 , 256
contents of, 146–151
French translation, 162
frequency of keywords, 152
leadership persp ective, see strategic
versions of, 145–146
assembling ability, 62–64 , 71
authentic paternalistic leaders, 185 ,
187 , 189 , 190 , 191
authoritarianism, 11, 173 , 176
construct domain, 193 , 194 , 195–196
effects on subordinate, 176–177,
subordinate responses, 182 , 183 ,
189 , 192
autocratic leadership, 19

balance, 40; see also harmony
benevolence, 3–4 , 33–36 , 52–53 , 59
in Maoism, 216
in strateg ic leadership, 154–155, 163
benevolent government, Dao of,
benevolent leadership, 4 , 11–12,
17–18 , 173–174, 176
building community, 44–45
character-shaping followers, 43–44
construct domain, 194 , 195 , 196
Dao of benevolent government,
effects on subordinate, 177–178 ,
179 , 183
foundation of, 34
goals and tasks of, 41–43
historical background,47–48, 52
models of, 38
rule of virtue,45–47
self-cultivation,5, 11–12, 38–41
significance in modern world,48–49
Bible of virtue, The (Laozi), see Dao
de jing (Laozi)
Biography of Jack Welch, The, 269
Biography of Napoleon, 256
Book of changes, The, 89, 256
Book of history, 45, 256
Book of Lord Shang(Shang), 111
Book of rites, The, 256
Book of songs, The, 256
Buddhism, 275
building community,44–45
Built to last: successful habits of
visionary companies(Collins
and Porras),256–257, 264
bureaucracy, Weber’s theory of, 76
Burton’s case,99–100
business organizations, challenges
to, 22


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