Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


They are followed by appropriate forms of the auxiliary verb haonaa
hona:. Present and past habitual forms are used to express habitual
actions or the state of affairs viewed from the perspective of the
present and the past respectively.


  1. maOM Gar raoja, Aata/ AatI hUÐM.
    m ́~ ghar roz a:ta:/a:ti: hũ:.
    I home daily come-ptc-ms/-fs be
    I come home daily.

  2. hma Gar raoja, Aato / AatI hOM.
    ham ghar roz a:te/a:ti: h ́~.
    we home daily come-ptc-mp/-fp be
    We come home daily.

  3. tU Gar raoja, jaata/ jaatI hO.
    tu: ghar roz ja:ta:/ja:ti: h ́.
    you home daily go-ptc-ms/go-fs be
    You go home daily.

  4. tuma Gar raoja, jaato/ jaatI hao.
    tum ghar roz ja:te/ja:ti: ho.
    you home daily go-ptc-mp/go-fs be
    You go home daily.

  5. Aap Gar raoja, jaato/ jaatI hOM.
    a:p ghar roz ja:te/ja:ti: h ́~.
    you home daily go-m/go-f be
    You go home daily.

  6. yah/ vah Sahr jaata/ jaatI hO.
    yah/vah šahar ja:ta:/ja:ti: h ́.
    (s)he city go-ptc-ms/go-fs be
    He/she goes to the city.

  7. vao Sahr jaato/ jaatI hOM.
    ve šahar ja:te/ja:ti: h ́~.
    they city go-ptc-mp/go-f be
    He/she/they goes/goes/go to the city.

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