Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. maorI [cCa hO Aap yah iktaba pZ,oM.
    meri: iccha: h ́ a:p yeh kita:b parhẽ.
    I want you to read this book.

  2. vah Gar pr kama krta qaa/ krtI qaI.
    vah ghar par ka:m karta: tha: /karti: thi:.
    he/she home at work do-ms/do-fs was
    He/she used to work at home. Progressive Aspect

Progressive aspect verbs are formed by adding the following
auxiliary forms immediately after the verb stems and appropriate
forms of the verb hona: ’to be’ and they agree with the person,
gender, and number of the subject of the verb:

Masculine Feminine
Sg Pl Sg / Pl
rha raha: rho rahe rhI rahi:

The progressive aspect is used to indicate actions or states of affairs
of a continuous nature or extended through time. There are two
primary categories: present-progressive and past-progressive.


  1. maOM Gar jaa rha/ jaa rhI hUÐ.
    m ́~ ghar ja: raha:/ja: rahi: hũ:.
    I home go-prog-ms/ go-prog-fs am
    I am going home.

  2. maOM/ hma/ vao Gar jaa rho/ jaa rhI hOM.
    ham/ve ghar ja: rahe/ ja rahi: h ́~.

we/they home go-prog-mpl/-prog-fpl be-pl
We/they are going home.

  1. tU kailaja sao Aa rha hO/ rhI hO.
    tu: ka:lej se a: raha: h ́ / rahi: h ́.
    you-fam/he/she college from come-prog-ms /-prog-fs be-sg
    You are coming from the college.

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