Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


4.3. Sentence Construction

Here we will discuss the different types of sentence constructions:
copular, verbal, negation, interrogatives, imperatives, anaphora,
reflexives, reciprocals, equatives, comparison, superlatives, and

4.3.1. Copular Sentences

The verb haonaa hona: ‘to be’ is employed in copular sentences. The
copula may take a predicate noun, predicate adjective, participle, or
a predicate adverb as a complement.

Predicate noun

  1. vah vakIla hO.
    vah vaki:l h ́.
    he lawyer is
    He is a lawyer.

Predicate adjective

  1. sauYamaa laMbaI hO.
    sušma: lambi: h ́.
    Sushma tall is
    Sushma is tall.

Predicate adverbial (participle)

  1. maaohna KD,a hO.
    mohan khara: h ́.
    Mohan stand is
    Mohan is standing.

Predicate adverbial

  1. ]sakI Aavaaja, maIzI hO.
    uski: a:va:z mi:thi: h ́.
    his/her voice sweet is
    His/her voice is sweet.

The unmarked order of constituents in the examples given above is
subject - complement - copula.

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