Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


Superior location is denoted by the use of the postpositions }pr (sao)
u:par (se), ‘above,’ preceded by the oblique case suffixes added to
the nouns.

  1. makana ko }pr sao pxaI ]D,to hOM.
    maka:n ke u:par se pakši: urte h ́~.
    house-gen above from birds fly-ptc are
    The birds fly above the (top of the) house.

Interior and interior-contact locations are not distinguished. They are
indicated by the postposition naIcao ni:ce ‘under, below,’ naIcao sao ni:ce se
‘from under’and naIcao tk ni:ce tak ‘up to under’ preceded by the case
suffixes added to nouns.

  1. ja,maIna ko naIcao panaI inaklaa.
    zami:n ke ni:ce pa:ni: nikla:.
    ground-obl under water came out
    Water appeared from under the ground.

  2. ja,maIna ko naIcao sao panaI calata hO.
    zami:n ke ni:ce se pa:ni: calta: h ́.
    ground-obl under from water flow-pr is
    Water is passing through under the ground.

  3. dIvaar ko naIcao tk panaI hO.
    di:va:r ke ni:ce tak pa:ni: h ́.
    wall-obl under upto water is
    Water is underneath the wall.

Lateral and lateral-contact locations are expressed by the
postpositions ko pasa ke pa:s/ko saaqa sa:th ‘in the company of/besides.’

  1. Amar ]maa ko pasaÀsaaqa baOza.
    amar uma: ke pa:s/sa:th b ́tha:
    Amar Uma near sat
    Amar sat near Uma.

Citerior location is expressed by kI Aaor ki: or ‘towards’ preceded by
the proximate demonstrative [sa is ‘this’in the oblique case. It is also
denoted by the term [sa Aaor is or ‘this side’ which does not take a
separate proximate demonstrative.

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