Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


vaanar Saanar va:nar ša:nar monkey and the like
vaada Saada va:da: ša:da: promise and the like
vaaoT SaaoT vot šot vote and the like
kama Saama/vaama ka:m ša:m/va:m work and the like
khanaI vaanaI/SaanaI kaha:ni: va:ni:/šahni: story and the like
dUQa SaUQa du:dh šu:dh milk and the like
panaI vaanaI/SaanaI pa:ni: va:ni:/ša:ni: water and the like Superordinate Compounds

In this type of compound, the meaning projected by the members
does not in any way relate to the meaning of the compound as a

haqa paMva ha:th pa:ũ: (hand-feet) body
Kanaa pInaa kha:na: pi:na: (eating-drinking) lifestyle
jala vaayaU jal va:yu (water-air) climate
caaya panaI ca:y pa:ni: (tea-water) refreshment Complex Compounds

Complex compounds involving three or more nouns are not very
common in Hindi.

tna mana Qana tan man dhan (body-mind-money) devotion Hybrid Compounds

In hybrid compounds, one member is usually borrowed from another
language and the second member is a Hindi noun.

Dbala raoTI dabal roti: (double-bread ) bread
rola gaaD,I rel ga:ri: (tracks-vehicle) train Adjective-Noun Compounds

A large number of compounds are composed of an adjective
followed by a noun. There are no single terms for them.

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