Human Resources People Management

(singke) #1

Chapter 22: Employee Education....................................................................

Keeping records of an employee’s educational background is important,
but it is also very useful when an employee transfers from one position to
another. You can enter and store information such as an employee’s school
history, work history and references.

If you enter education information about an applicant and use the Hire
window to enter hiring information for that applicant, the educational
records will be transferred to the Education window.

This information is divided into the following sections:

  • Adding an employee education record

  • Modifying or deleting an employee education record

Adding an employee education record

Use the Education window to enter and store information about an
employee’s educational background, such as schools attended, majors,
degrees and grade point averages. When an employee completes additional
training courses or attends workshops, you can add that information to this
window, also.

To add an employee education record:

  1. Open the Education window.
    (Cards >> Human Resources >> Employee >> Education)

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