Human Resources People Management

(singke) #1


To add an employee termination record:

  1. Open the Termination Checklist window.
    (Cards >> Human Resources >> Employee >> Termination)

  2. Enter or select an employee ID.

  3. Select the name of a checklist from the Termination Name field and
    accept the Start Date or enter the date the termination process started.
    The default date will be the system date of your computer.

  4. Expand the scrolling window. Enter or select the person responsible for
    each checklist item.

  5. When you complete an item, mark Completed for the item and enter
    the date completed.

  6. Choose Save.

Adding an exit interview record

Use the Exit Interview window to enter employee comments about the
position he or she is leaving. The window provides a list of questions you
can use as a basis for the exit interview. You also can enter information
about the employee’s new position and additional comments.
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