Biology of Disease

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it is probable that the recipient already has antibodies against graft antigens
and the donor is unlikely to be a suitable match.

Matching donor and recipient

Individuals inherit a set of HLA genes from each parent. Thus, siblings are
more likely to have a closer match than unrelated donors and, occasionally,
people have donated a healthy kidney to a sibling with renal failure. Other
sources of kidneys for transplantation include cadavers, often people who
have been killed in accidents. The HLA types of potential recipients are stored
in computer databases so that when a kidney donor becomes available, they
can be HLA typed and the kidneys given to those recipients whose HLA anti-
gens match as closely as possible.

Retrospective studies on the outcome of kidney transplantation have shown
that matching the donor to the recipient improves graft survival. Thus, in
the most favorable match, that is no mismatches of the HLA-DR, HLA-A and
HLA-B alleles graft survival is superior to those with no mismatch of HLA-
DR and only one mismatch of HLA-A and/or HLA-B alleles. These also gave
significantly better graft survival than any other mismatched graft.

6.13 Immunosuppression

All patients who receive an allograft are liable to reject the transplant, even
if the recipient and host are closely matched for histocompatibility antigens.
This is because relatively few of the HLA antigens are tested for, and complete
matches are rare. Thus, all patients who receive an allograft have to take immu-
nosuppressive drugs to prevent rejection resulting from an immune response.
Immunosuppressive treatments fall into a number of categories. The first gen-
eration of immunosuppressive drugs were used to prevent lymphocytes from
proliferating (Table 6.15). As these drugs act by inhibiting cell division, they
are also used in the treatment of cancer. Their actions are described in more
detail in Chapter 17. Corticosteroids, such as cortisol, are also immunosup-
pressive agents but act principally by suppressing inflammation. They are still
used, often in combination with other drugs such as methotrexate. All the first
generation drugs produce a ‘blanket’ immunosuppression and prevent all
immune responses. This makes the patient more susceptible to infections of
all kinds, but especially to opportunistic infections caused by such organisms
as Candida albicans. Immunosuppressed patients are also more susceptible
to the types of cancers associated with viruses, including lymphoma, associ-
ated with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV ) and Kaposi’s sarcoma, associated with
the Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpes virus (KSV ). First generation immu-
nosuppressive treatments also have significant toxicity, because they affect all
dividing cells, including those of the bone marrow and of the GIT. Some, such
as methotrexate, also show liver toxicity.

Type of treatment Mechanisms of action Examples

Purine analogs incorporated into DNA during the process of DNA
synthesis; prevent further DNA elongation


Folic acid antagonists prevent the action of dehydrofolate reductase, an
enzyme required for the synthesis of purines and


Alkylating agents become incorporated into developing DNA and cross-
links DNA strands, preventing further replication


Table 6.15First generation immunosuppressive drugs


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