Biology of Disease

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Margin Note 7.1 G proteins

G proteins are so called because
they bind the guanyl nucleotides,
GDP and GTP. They are a diverse
group, ranging from small soluble
monomers to large multisubunit
membrane proteins. Their functions
are also wide ranging, from the
activities associated with numerous
hormones, to sense perception and
the nucleocytoplasmic transport
described in Chapter 16. However, all
are GTPases that can hydrolyze their
bound GTP to GDP

GTP protein
H 2 O

GDP protein*

The GDP portion can be exchanged
for a GTP. This alteration of the
nucleotide between the GTP–GDP
forms allows the protein to switch
between two conformations (Figure
7.9). The form with a bound GTP
is active (functional); the other has
GDP bound and is nonactive. Thus
G proteins provide on–off switches
in physiological systems as they
oscillate between the two forms.
*indicates a change in the conformation of the
protein (see also Figure 7.9)

they regulate the synthesis of proteins. For example, steroid hormones are
hydrophobic and lipid soluble and so diffuse directly through the plasma
membrane into the cytoplasm of target cells. Thyroid hormones enter their
target cells by facilitated diffusion. In the cytoplasm, steroid and thyroid
hormones bind to intracellular receptors forming hormone–receptor
complexes (Figure 7.10). The complex then interacts with the DNA of specific
genes in the nucleus to switch their transcription on or off, allowing or
preventing the production of appropriate mRNA molecules respectively. Thus
the cell’s production of proteins, such as enzymes, is regulated to produce a
physiological response to the hormone.

7.4 Causes of Endocrine Disorders

Endocrine disorders arise because a disruption to the endocrine system
causes decreased (hypofunction) or increased (hyperfunction) hormonal
activity or resistance to hormone action. There may be defects in synthesis
of the hormone due to an inherited deficiency of an enzyme required for
its synthesis. Inappropriate stimuli may impair the release of the hormone
or certain drugs may stimulate hormone release. Defects in the negative
feedback mechanism may cause abnormal hormone secretion. Faulty
inactivation or excretion of hormones in liver or renal diseases respectively
can increase hormone levels. Excessive hormone secretion can occur
ectopically from a nonendocrine source, such as a tumor. Even if correctly
synthesized and released, the target tissues may not recognize the hormone
because of a lack of receptors or because the receptors themselves are
nonfunctional. Disorders will also occur if the target cells do recognize the
hormone but there is a defect in the secondary messenger system responsible
for converting the hormonal signal to a physiological action.

In some autoimmune diseases (Chapter 5), antibodies are produced that
stimulate or destroy endocrine glands, as in Grave’s disease and autoimmune
thyroiditis respectively. The various causes underlying endocrine disorders
are summarized in Figure 7.11. A considerable number of endocrine disorders
have been described including disorders associated with the pituitary, thyroid,
pancreas, adrenal glands and the reproductive systems.


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Figure 7.9 A small soluble G protein with bound (A) GDP and (B) GTP. In both cases the
nucleotide is shown in red. Note the difference in conformation between the two forms. PDB
files 1OIV and 1OIW respectively.


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